The Berkeley Co-Op
(Berkowners Inc.)
Instructions For Joining THEBERKOWNERSCOOP ListServ
Joining the theberkeleycoop Listserv can be accomplished in a few easy
1. You must have a Google Account to access and contribute to the Listserv. You can use any email address you like to sign up for a Google Account. It does not need to be a Google-affiliated email account.
If you DO have a Google Account, sign into your Google account and skip to Step 2. To log onto your account, type your account ID and password in the fields labeled “Email” and “Password.” These fields are located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
If you do not have a Google Account go to the following website to register for one:
· You create an account by clicking on the link labeled “Create a new Google Account.” This will take you to a screen labeled “Create an Account.” Complete the required fields and click the field labeled “I accept.
Create my account.” An email will be sent to the address you entered.
When received, follow the instructions in the email, and your Google account will be validated. Use the account information to log onto the
bulletin board as specified in Step 2 below.
2. Go to
3. When you see the group page, apply for membership. Include your
name and address at The Berkeley in the textbox provided.
5. The administrators will be accepting members as efficiently as they can. If you do not get accepted within 48 hours, feel free to email to check in.
6. Once your request has been received and activated, you are all set to contribute E-mails and will begin receiving E-mails from the group. You can opt to have a daily or weekly digest sent of all E-mails by changing your membership preferences on the theberkeleycoop site.